
I know the plight of trying to look good on a budget and I thought that I would share how I attempt to make it happen. I've noticed that it doesn't have to break the bank to feel like the fliest person in the room. With some patience, perseverance and a little creativity it can be within reach.

August 12, 2010: 
Hair Routine

My hair regiment isn't quite a regiment just yet, but more of a routine. From time to time I like to break from routine to try something new (intentionally or induced by my laziness). I also feel that my "regiment" could still use some tweaking...Read More >>

August 11, 2010:
 A Few Rules 

In my pursuit of fashion flyness I also keep my bank account in mind. In order to keep the purchases in check I tend to do some mental calculations, several of them actually... Read More >>

August 12, 2010: 
Under Construction

Under constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder constructionUnder construction... Read More >>

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